Well, large coffees.
I've found a place where there's wifi--a bagel shop called Wholly Bagels--so I can post some of the photos I took at Castle Point.
This is the view we had a 30-second walk out of our back door. We couldn't see the lighthouse from inside the bunk house, but we could see the water.
Notice the moon? I took this around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. The moon would rise around 1 or 2, and then go down around 1 or 2 in the morning.
I think this is the best photo I have to show what the reef/lighthouse looked like. The reef is the inverted-comma looking thing in the middle, and there was another outcropping you can't see that almost made it a lagoon (well, you can see the edge of the other part, but it just looks like part of the rock unless you know exactly what you're looking for). If you follow the narrow part of the reef off to the left, that's where the lighthouse is. If you look at the water, it looks kind of like a cursive E. The upper section of sand would get flooded at high tide, cutting you off.
This is the rock we climbed (the far left here is the other side of the reef--this photo would go to the right of the panoramic). To try and put it into perspective, the flat part of the tiny point about 1/3 in from the right could hold 4 people--at least--lying down. If you didn't care about falling to your death, that is.
The path was just about this steep for the entire climb up the rock.
Again, perspective: the three people would be about the size of the tiny bumps just to the right of the path in the picture before (follow the path all the way to the edge, and there are two small bumps).