
Can someone please explain how this happened?

You know how you have a switchboard that runs your life?  Dials for "sleep," "stress," "caffeine level," you know, stuff like that.
Okay, fine then.  I have one, at least.

I'm not totally sure how the "homework," "busy," and "stress" buttons got turned up and the "run like you're going to be late, because you probably are" button got hit, but it's all happened.  Just this week, I've had a group project due, a presentation, and a paper, and that's not including all of my usual homework, choreographing a dance for Rugcutters (Coe's swing dance club) to perform at Formal, teaching said choreography, plus teaching basic swing, tutoring, or the occasional things I do for fun, like going to talks on Langton's Ants or row-reduced matrices (and the only reason I get to call them "fun" instead of "homework" is because I currently don't need the extra points for my math classes).

It occurs to me:
-History of Western Architecture (okay, I'm auditing it because (1) I've already taken it, and (2) I need the information on Gothic and Renaissance cathedrals for my thesis)
-Complex Analysis (evil most evilistist class of evil ever invented)
-Advanced Geometry
-Fiction Workshop
-Honors: Subversive Theatre (fascinating.  It's all about theatre in Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia communist rule)

It also occurs to me the only reason I'm writing this now is because I'm procrastinating on my paper for Subversive Theatre on Vaclav Havel's The Hotel.  Sadly, my thesis cannot be: "Havel lost his touch for this play, as all of the meaning comes from Pechar's singing the theme from Doctor Zhivago through the whole thing."


1 comment:

johnthebasket said...

This is a very nice piece of writing...
